Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fun Text team settles in and products begin to flow
So it is nearly August and the UK team from Fun Text have been part of Mobispine for only a few weeks but already the two teams are working together as one. The product pipeline is looking really exciting. We'll be annoucing great new web services next month and a Facebook product that is just great! We'll be very keen to get your feedback on that one. I'm heading up product management so any ideas, comments or feedback just send them to or post them here.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Web-apps versus Downloaded apps on PC?
Hi all!
Most people I know of is nowadays having a Facebook account for personal usage and more and more people also do use Twitter for status updates. Obviously it takes time to
a) update your status in one or multiple locations
b) read the updates of your friends/followers etc..
I think everyone shall try out Seesmic. From my point of view it is a great app for both reading status updates and doing status updates to Facebook and Twitter. As it is built on Air it works on both Mac and PC and best of all, they also have a pretty good webapp available to use.
So, I suggest you to use Seesmic in one or more ways and please let us know what you prefer - A downloaded client on your computer or a webapp. Also let us know why.
I guess you all can see how this relates to our clients/web-clients for Mobispine and Desktop Messaging..
/ Joakim