Thursday, May 22, 2008

Unlimited Data Plans Drive More Mobile Web Usage

US Smartphone users spend more tha 4,5 hours per month browsing the mobile web whereas  their British counterparts spend 2,5 hours per month surfing the mobile web. The discrepancy in the duration is due to the relative popularity of flat-rate data plans in the US, 10,9 % of users have an unlimited data plan in the US versus only 2,3 % in Britain.
Another factor might be that full QWERTY keyboards are more popular in US than in UK.

It is also interesting to see that US users are increasing their year-to-year numbers of browsing the mobile web and number of pageviews have increased with 89 % and 127 %. All the above numbers come from a recently released report from M:Metrics.

In Mobispine we also like when users have flat-rate data plans and nice phones with big screens ad keyboards, but never forget that the goal with mobispine is to create a really good user experience for average phones without nice data plans.

/ Joakim, Mobispine team

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