As the World Wide Web evolves, its huge bank of information grows as well. That could potentially confound people, but thanks to technology developing further, the accessibility of content to us as readers or users is becoming more and more easier. Thanks to newer technologies like XML syndication and applications like RSS, ATOM amongst others we can get the information we seek, from the sites we want, at our convenience on our computers as well as our cellphones.
In other words, suppose you are a gizmo freak but you don’t really have time to browse ten different Internet sites a day, all you need to do is subscribe to the XML feeds which can be in the form of RSS or ATOM and have updated content delivered to your computer or cellphone without you having to visit any site. Saves precious time and is very convenient too.
RSS feeds on your cellphone
Your cell can be literally a bank of information on your chosen topic. High end phones like Sony Ericsson K790i, the Sony W Series and some Nokia models already have a built-in RSS reader which lets you decide the content fetch frequency besides other features. For those phones that do not have RSS capability, you could simply download small applications like Mobispine, DeliciousMona or News-lite and turn your tiny phone into an encyclopedia. Happy reading!