Today officially launched the new service SMS4PC in the international market. The service makes it possible to send SMS from your PC to many recipients at once, making it easier for companies in various industries to communicate with their staff and their customers via their mobile phones.
Sales of SMS4PC is already underway and is growing by about 30% per month, and has customers all over Europe. The business concept is simple: By highlighting the benefits of communicating via text messages over e-mails and phone calls will increase sales. The service is used in email clients like Microsoft Outlook, which is part of the interface or in a standalone "app" from the computer.
The first SMS service in the Google Chrome App Store
During the first quarter of 2011, SMS4PC, which is now app-based (Ie. you download and install an application locally on your computer) to develop an intelligent cloud service. Integration with Google Chrome and Google App Markets are also planned, and the service is expected a bright future.
It is the Swedish mobile company Mobispine that develops and sells the service SMS4PC. CEO Joakim Hilj already has a number of successful projects behind him - including the co-founder of the largest consultant broker for IT professionals, eWork Scandinavia AB, and Mobispine AB together with serial entrepreneur Joacim Boivie.
"The type of service that SMS4PC represents is not unique to the market", says Joakim Hilj, CEO of Mobispine. "But our offering and market strategy is unique. Our target customers are industries where the safe and rapid transfer of information is paramount. SMS is still the single most widely used mobile application and we have taken advantage of that when we developed the service, " he continues.
Now also company bundles
Operators previously integrated Mobispine SMS platforms are Vodafone, Telenor, TeliaSonera and Tele2. With the launch today SMS4PC further developed from being merely a product of the major operators' package deals to become a full-scale stand-alone services that are sold directly to users via the website www.sms4pc.com.
Customers who already use SMS4PC are primarily companies in the IT, financial, staffing and transportation industries.